Sunday, February 20, 2011

Everything up, almost.

Its been a week since seeding and we're seeing almost all pots
showing growth.    Pots with multiple seedlings have already
had the weaker ones clipped ( stiff upper lip, now).   The Pablo
lettuce--the nifty looking ornamental heirloom with purple coloring,
is showing tiny true leaves after six days.   Also, the tiny cotlydons
themselves show the purple pigmentation right from start.  That
was fun to discover, as in my limited experience all seedlings look
pretty much the same during their initial emergence.

Wondering about the reasons things sprouted sooner than the
germination times list on the packets.   For example, Kale is
stated to be 8-12 days to germinate versus the 3 days here.

Only the Romaine is holding to its printed schedule.  After
seven days, seeing a tiny speck of green in one of the three pots.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Starting the 2011 growing season

While I have a better idea this year of which plants to start early,  my
over-all philosophy is still one of engaging in a grand hopeful experiment.

So here's the first report for the new year.

Set up my indoor seed starting apparatus--trays, jiffy pots and Sun
Blaze T5 lamp on Sunday, February 13th.  On Weds the 16th I have
the first signs of germination!   I planted a bunch of cold weather
species: Kale, Broccoli, Broccoli Rabe, Heirloom Lettuce, Romain
Lettuce.  Will update with pictures soon.   I hope to be transplanting
these outsideto a cold frame in a few weeks.    My goal is to have a
successful harvest of this crop by April.  

Who knows?  We'll see what happens.