Saturday, May 1, 2010

Construction, Day 1

The location on our property that has the best potential for a 
garden is along the south facing wall of the garage, not far from 
the kitchen door.  Despite tall trees and rooflines, it manages to 
get sun for 10-12 hours, from May thru August.   

I was told to put gravel under the wooden planks of 
the raised beds to keep them from sitting on wet ground, so 
I decided to build a cool curved gravel bed as a first step.  We
had five buckets of white pea gravel sitting in the garage, so I 
was hoping I could have the whole job done in a day, with
materials on hand.

Ground is broken on the gravel bed.  It will be excavated
to the line made by the garden hose.

Ok, not enough time today to dig out the whole bed, so 
for now its just the area where the 6x3 box go.

Threw in some weed fabric and white pea gravel we had 
lying around.  Honestly, I think it looks terrible.   Plus, it's 
apparent I underestimated my gravel needs by a factor of 
five or six.   Frustrating end to the day.

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