Friday, May 7, 2010

Decision is made to use the smaller pea gravel.  Its just
more appropriate for decorative gravel beds.  The drainage
gravel would make it look more like a civil engineering project. 

Ordered up a pallete of 36 bags from Home Depot.   I thought
I was ordering 2 cubic yards, which Barnaby, our landscaper,
had recommended.

But I did the math wrong at the store: one bag is .5 cu feet,
and there are 27 cu feet in 1 cu yard.   27 divided by .5 is of
course 54 bags.   So whatever I was thinking, I now have
1.667 cu yards of gravel sitting in the driveway.  I hope its
enough--it sure looks like enough.

Seedings waiting to be planted.   The giant
in the blue container is a pumpkin plant.

Store bought on the left,  grown from seed on right.

A pallette of pea gravel from Home Depot.

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